
3 apps to help relax your mind

I know, best self-care (for lack of a better term) is probably spent off your phone BUT there are many apps that can actually help us relax. We utilize technology in so many aspects of our lives. Why not now? Amidst very stressful times for many, here are my 3 favorite apps to help relax my mind.

1) Headspace - The app includes teaching you how to meditate. Seems like a foreign thing for many people to learn but meditation has more benefits than turning off the “noise” for a few minutes. It allows for a daily internal check-in, allows you to let go of emotions. Meditation is great for increasing the quality of your sleep, increasing your metabolism, increasing brain function and reducing aging. New to meditation? Headspace helps you start with just 2-3 minutes at a time.

2. Peloton- Before you write me off as crazy for using this app to relax, I am referring to the YOGA section of the app. While I do love this app for exercise, and that helps many people relax, I use it for the yoga, meditation and stretching classes. Talk about an all-around great app for everything from stretching to walking to cycling, they have it all. Yes, there is a monthly fee but it is well worth it and you can join any of the classes. You don’t have to have the peloton bike to enjoy this app and gain so much from it.

When I train at the gym and there is no cycle class going on, I use the peloton app, my ipad and my airpods. I can join a live class going on somewhere else in the world and it is amazing how you can feel the energy of the other riders without being in the same room. Pretty cool. It’s the same for the stretching and yoga classes.

3. Happy Color- Kids color, right? It has become a trend for adults to have coloring books, too. This virtual paint-by-color app seems a bit far fetched from the real deal and I actually second guessed a family member for even introducing this to me and then I gave it a shot. Wow, I was impressed by the relaxing effect the task at hand really did elicit. It was great. So I use this when I am waiting in line at the grocery store, waiting for a doctors appointment, waiting for a family member to run into the store. 5-10 minutes at a time and it really does help calm me. I was the kid that needed the playdough and stress ball in class to listen so go figure that this mindless activity works.

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